Friday, July 13, 2007

You Learn Something New Every Day

I was looking something up in one of my surgery textbooks and came across this entry in the index:


Who would have thought? I didn't know there was a recommended dose of heroin!


Lacy said...

I could have told you the correct doseage. haha, just kidding. ;)

Lacy said...

hey, by the way...I've been making mastheads for blogger in my spare time. (I'm loving design stuff these days) and I came up with a couple for your blog...IF you want one. I won't be offended of course, if you don't! Just email me, and I'll email you back what I worked!

Cheryl said...

Scott was reading me something the other day, from long long ago, that detailed the benefits of this drug and a couple others...very interesting how times have changed.

Unknown said...

Cheryl, You're right. I often wonder what it is we do now that future generations will be amazed at.