Saturday, June 9, 2007

More smiles, courtesy of my boy

Conversation this morning with Jeffrey:

J: Mommy, I love you!
Me: Aw, thank you, honey. I love you too!
J: If I say that a lot will you give me a treat?
Me: No, honey, I don't want you to say I love you to get a treat. I want you to say I love you because it's true.
Pause. . .
J: Mommy, I love you because it's true. Now can I have a treat?

Conversation this afternoon with J (in the library, shortly after we had discussed using our quiet voices in the library):

J comes running around the corner shouting, "Mommy, Mommy, look at this book!"
A moment of silence, as the displeasure on my face registered with him.
J (sheepishly): Whoops. I whispered too loud.

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